All transactions are handled by Stripe, Inc., an infrastructure trusted by millions of businesses worldwide. Payment information is processed directly by Stripe, so we do not hold or retain credit card numbers, however we may see the last four digits to verify the cardholder.
All subscriptions start the moment they are purchased and are billed monthly or yearly depending on your preference.
We're tired of subscriptions and think things were better when you could buy something once and have it forever. When you choose either of our one-time purchases, you have access to the service forever. Please note that due to technical limiitations, invoices will show the purchase to be effective for one year. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
Unfortunately, offering one time payments is not a sustainable business these days. So, for the first ten people who purchase Onlinescoreboards, we will offer lifetime access for this one time fee. Afterwards, new customers will only be offered yearly and monthly payment options.
When you cancel a plan, your access is retained until the time that you paid for is over. If you purchase a new plan before a cancelled plan is over, the new plan overwrites the old one and payments are effective immediately.
If you would like to cancel or change a plan, you can do so here.